Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do You Really Want to Celebrate Halloween?

The History

October 31, Halloween, is the “Vigil of Saman” celebration of the Druids, ancient Pagan Celtic priests. On this night, they placated the Lord of Death who released the souls of the dead to haunt and trick their relatives and visit their former homes. Witches and demons also came out of hiding on this night. This day coincided with the end of harvest and the beginning of the new year for these Druid worshipers of Samhain (numerous spellings are correct), the grim reaper, who required a human sacrifice.

In AD 601 the Roman Catholic Church “sanctified” these pagan practices they had previously been trying to abolish. They literally gave up against evil. The Roman autumn harvest celebrations and All Saint’s Day (November 1) were combined with All Hallows Eve (October 31) in an attempt to Christianize it. The founding Pilgrims of America outlawed this practice. In the mid 1800’s Irish immigrants brought this custom to America.

Today young and old alike dress up and go out into the night, trick or treating and celebrating. Halloween has become the second most celebrated holiday with people spending about $80 per person to party (again, financially second only to Christmas). The majority of them are unknowingly giving glory to the day that the occult, Satan worshipers and Wiccan (those involved in witchcraft) call the “day above all others.” This is the highest of their eight holy days

Anton LaVey, author of The Satanic Bible and high priest of the Church of Satan states, “Satanists consider Halloween the most important day of the year. Satanic, occult and witchcraft powers are at their highest potency level…Satan and his powers are at their best that night.”
A sergeant at the Baldwin Park Police Department in Southern California states “frightening, murderous satanic practices take place around the world every Halloween, and yet the public dismisses reports of their occurrence, refusing to believe the holiday is anything more than ‘child’s play’.”
Quite literally, this “holiday” belongs to Satan, and those who celebrate it, even innocently, are giving glory to him and putting themselves in dangerous territory.

The Symbols

A grotesque face was carved in a pumpkin to scare away evil spirits; this was a sign to the demons that a virgin sacrifice had been given by the household. Inside was a candle made from the human fat of the sacrifice. Do you want a Jack-o-lantern in your home?

The Bonfire had a three-fold purpose: 1) to scare away the evil spirits; 2) to mark the gathering places for the celebration where people came after putting out their hearth fires; 3) and to have the “bone-fire” where human and animal sacrifices were burned. The participants carry a stick home to light their hearth fires from this community bonfire.

To disguise themselves from the spirits, people donned Costumes trying to look like the evil spirits, or look terrible enough scare them away; oftentimes they wore the heads of the animals they had sacrificed

The Druid priests went door to door demanding food to offer to Samhaim and pronounced a demonic curse of death or physical male castration, if they didn’t get what they asked for. Another custom was for people to leave a “treat” out for the spirits, so they wouldn’t “trick” or torture the household. Thus the Trick-or-Treat custom was born.

What about the other symbols of Halloween? Ghosts played tricks and caused supernatural happenings in the household. Astrology was heavily practiced, as everyone wanted predictions for the coming new year. Traditionally they “read” the sacrificial bones and entrails of sacrifices. Witches are real satanic worshipers, yet their caricatures are portrayed and costumed everywhere. Coffins, tombstones, mummies, skeletons and cemeteries come from the Lord of Death theme. Roman harvest festivals bring in the apples, cornstalks and pumpkins. An ancient Roman ceremony honoring false gods involved trying to grasp floating fruit without using hands, which is where bobbing for apples came from. The Druids believed that black cats were reincarnated humans who had been punished for their evil deeds. These cats were sacred sacrifices. Today, black cats are still sacrificed during occult rituals.

Is it Really Just another Holiday?

Knowing the meaning and traditions behind Halloween, do you really want to celebrate Halloween? It’s much more than just an innocent child’s day. There is absolutely no way you can include Jesus Christ in these celebrations. Why place yourself, even for a few hours, in the territory of the evil one? In Ephesians 6:12 Jesus tells us too “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11 says, “Neither give place to the devil.

Bible Answers

When you apply the following Bible texts to Halloween, it is obvious what our position as Christians should be regarding Halloween, the occult, sorcery or magic:

Leviticus 19:31 – Should we turn to mediums or wizards?
Leviticus 20:6-27 – What will happen if you turn to wizards or medium? What will happen if you become a medium or wizard?
1 Chronicles 10:13 – What happened to Saul because of his involvement? (1 Samuel 28 – 30)
Revelation 18:4 – What are we to do?
Ephesians 5:8-11 – What should we do with the works of darkness?
2 Timothy 1:7 – What spirit did Jesus give us?
Ephesians 6:11 – What should we do?
Philippians 4:8 – What kind of things should we dwell on?
2 Corinthians 6:14,15 – Can light and darkness mix? Should we mix with evil?
1 Corinthians 10:31 – Who should receive our glory?
Matthew 6:24 – How many masters can we serve?
1 Peter 2:9 – Who are we?
Exodus 20: 5 – What is God’s warning?
Ephesians 5:1 – Who should we imitate?
Psalm 101:3 – Are we ever to look at wicked things?
1 John 3:8 – What has God promised?
1 Corinthians 10:20,21 – Can we partake of two tables?
Ephesians 6: 14-17 – What are the only safe things to put on?
Ephesians 4:27 – Should we give place to the devil?
1 Thessalonians 5:22 – What should we abstain from?
Ephesians 5:11 – What should we do with darkness?
Acts 19:18-19 – What did the early church do to occultic books?
Exodus 22:18 – What happened to witches in the Bible?
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 – Should we participate in the occult?
Isaiah 8:19 – Can we learn about the future from mediums and psychics?
Revelation 22:15 – Will mediums, wizards, sorcers and those that consult them enter heaven?

What Can We Do?

Spend time in prayer and spiritual warfare for your community and the innocent children caught up in the darkness of Halloween. The occult members pray for evil spirits to inhabit the costumes sold to children. We should pray that Satan be bound.
Educate your own children. Don’t scare them by giving them too much information. Explain to young children only what they need to know to understand. Do a Bible study and look up these Bible texts with your children.
Get together with like-minded families. Have a soup and salad potluck, a time of intercessory prayer together and family game time.

Many Pathfinder groups collect cans on this night. You could do this as a church or homeschool group. Pass out bags in a specific area a few days before with a note explaining what your group is doing. After collecting, make food baskets or donate to Community Services and local food closets. I personally have reservations about being out on this night at all.
Witness to your neighbors without condemning them. On Halloween night, pass out inexpensive crafts or toys instead of candy and include a scripture that will point them to Jesus. Some families include an invitation to church and a Little Friend or Primary Treasure.
Celebrate your blessings and share with others the good news of Jesus.
As horrific as Halloween and these traditions are, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a strong mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7.
Make a stand… “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15.

So after reading all of these facts do you want to still TRICK-OR-TREAT......whom we serve will determine where we end up.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama Worship

October 19, 2009 — Nicholas
A newly publicized video shows leaders of a Chicago-based community organizing group called the Gamaliel Foundation held a rally shortly after President Obama’s election and “prayed” to him, seeking his intervention in their difficulties. Source =

As many remember, Obama was touted as a Messiah during his campaign. The most recent Obama worship happened on September 29, where a group in Chicago held public prayer “to Obama.” I know it sounds insane and quite ridiculous as well, but when we look in prophecy how the mortal wound of Rome is to be completely healed before Jesus comes and destroys them with the brightness of His coming, (see 2 Thessalonians 2:8) worship of mankind has to become the norm for the prelates in Rome. The Popes have always demanded and sought worship for almost 2000 years as many of their documented quotes prove…

The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, “Cities Petrus Bertanous”.
Pope Nicholas I declared that “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man.” – Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can. 7, Satis evidentur, Decret Gratian Primer Para.

Pope Nicholas I declared that “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man.” – Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can. 7, Satis evidentur, Decret Gratian Primer Para.

Click here to see the video of them actually praying to Obama!

First verse of bible was mistake, professor says

The first sentence of the good old bible has been misunderstood for centuries because of an error of translation, says a Dutch catholic professor of exegesis.

By Dirk Vlasblom
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"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," says the first verse of the first chapter of the first bible book, Genesis. But a Dutch professor of Old Testament exegesis now says this phrase was wrongly translated.
Ellen van Wolde, who holds her inaugural speech at the Raboud university in Nijmegen on Friday, says the Hebrew word bara should not be translated as 'created' but as 'separated'. So the first verse would read "God separated the heaven and the earth", indicating that there was something before Creation began. Van Wolde has analysed the Hebrew original of Genesis and gives a plausible explanation for her alternative translation. She mentions a series of other places in the Old Testament where the word bara appears, and she demonstrates convincingly that separated would have been the appropriate translation there too. Furthermore, she analysed creation stories from ancient Mesopotamia, from the era in which Genesis originated, which mention a deity who separated heaven and earth at the beginning of time.


Van Wolde's interpretation of Genesis assumes that heaven, earth and water were one originally. God took them apart and gave them separate places in the universe. That leads to the conclusion that Genesis is not about the absolute beginning of time. According to Van Wolde the people who lived in the 7th and 8th century BC, when Genesis was created, did not believe that "in the beginning there was nothing". Genesis itself suggests that people at the time imagined primeval waters where sea monsters lived. The professor draws the conclusion that the book does not speak of 'creation from nothing' (creatio ex nihilo), as her own Catholic church teaches.
Van Wolde's alternative translation of the word bara in the first verse is new, but her other conclusions are not. Scholars of the Old Testament determined as far back as the 1950s that in the conceptual universe of the ancient Near East creating amounted to separating, giving things a place. The assumption that people in antiquity had no conception of 'nothingness' is not new either. The concept of creatio ex nihilo in the Catholic doctrine does not derive from Genesis but from a verse in the second book of Maccabees [7.28], which protestants regard as apocryphal.
Van Wolde's exegesis is supported by many origin myths, also beyond the Near East. Most stories mention a mythical world before the creation of the sun, moon and stars and the existence of living nature and men. Myths refer to a world created from something that preceded it. This is related to the limits of human imagination. In the course of human cultural evolution people define the unknown by analogy with the known. And nothing can be a model for 'nothing'.

Devout Jews and Christians will probably not be shaken in their faith by Van Wolde's findings. Even if there were primeval waters before God intervened, He was the one who brought order out of chaos. That still makes him 'the Creator'.

Tell me what do think about this new finding by this professor?