It is often the case that trouble is greater in abticipation than in reality;but this is not true of the crises before us. The most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the crises before us. GC. P.622 A great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise. 8T 28 (1904)
Not long from now corporate Adventism will lose the capacity to function. For all practical purpose there will be no General Conference, no Division office, no local conference to direct the traffic. The Adventist Church will consist of local communities working for God in their own areas, and completely in the dark about what is happening even on the other side of the city. Institutional religion cannot survive the crisis that is coming. The cause of the crisis will be the collapse of the US dollar. Economic authorities say this will bring about the total collapse of the monetary system. When that happens we will be introduced INSTANTANEOUSLY into a cashless society in which the average person will have no purchasing power. The only food source will be a central bureaucracy that will supply food to some but withhold it from others.
Adventist have talked about troubled times for years. But an awful truth has now emerged. The political conditions that make this time of trouble possible ALREADY EXIST. And the will to make it happen NOW by powerful forces ALREADY EXISTS. Who of us has realised that every day for some time now we have been no more than TWENTY FOUR HOURS away from a crisis of which "the most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal."
You will be told to be calm, that we have heard all this before, and nothing has ever come of it. But if you want to understand Revelation 13 study the economy. George Soros one of the most powerful and richest men on the planet had this to say, and he is talking about everyday happenings in economic affairs; "extending the market mechanism to all domains has the potential of DESTROYING SOCIETY." If you think you know more about money matters than George Soros then feel free to ignore his warning and trust your own instincts that all is well.
Those who have studied current trends in international economic practices have reached an unhappy conclusion. "If you have an unstable system, it is just a question of when it will fly off the handle. It will blow apart at THE MOMENT WHEN THE US DOLLAR EXPERIENCES A CRISIS. When the dollar crisis occurs, THE WORLD WILL HAVE NO SYSTEM LEFT."
Not long from now corporate Adventism will lose the capacity to function. For all practical purpose there will be no General Conference, no Division office, no local conference to direct the traffic. The Adventist Church will consist of local communities working for God in their own areas, and completely in the dark about what is happening even on the other side of the city. Institutional religion cannot survive the crisis that is coming. The cause of the crisis will be the collapse of the US dollar. Economic authorities say this will bring about the total collapse of the monetary system. When that happens we will be introduced INSTANTANEOUSLY into a cashless society in which the average person will have no purchasing power. The only food source will be a central bureaucracy that will supply food to some but withhold it from others.
Adventist have talked about troubled times for years. But an awful truth has now emerged. The political conditions that make this time of trouble possible ALREADY EXIST. And the will to make it happen NOW by powerful forces ALREADY EXISTS. Who of us has realised that every day for some time now we have been no more than TWENTY FOUR HOURS away from a crisis of which "the most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal."
You will be told to be calm, that we have heard all this before, and nothing has ever come of it. But if you want to understand Revelation 13 study the economy. George Soros one of the most powerful and richest men on the planet had this to say, and he is talking about everyday happenings in economic affairs; "extending the market mechanism to all domains has the potential of DESTROYING SOCIETY." If you think you know more about money matters than George Soros then feel free to ignore his warning and trust your own instincts that all is well.
Those who have studied current trends in international economic practices have reached an unhappy conclusion. "If you have an unstable system, it is just a question of when it will fly off the handle. It will blow apart at THE MOMENT WHEN THE US DOLLAR EXPERIENCES A CRISIS. When the dollar crisis occurs, THE WORLD WILL HAVE NO SYSTEM LEFT."
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All that you want to say is up to you but remember God is in charge,and this is a place to speak for him.