Natural Disasters. The weather seems to have become psychopathic since 1989. Sooner or later, the signs will shift from those of atmospheric origin to signs of cosmic origins, or threats from objects in space.
Earthquakes. We had two great earthquakes within four months in the same location. The earthquakes and tsunamis on December 26, 2004 killed about 221,000 people. Three volcanoes became active in that region in April 2005. 74,000 were killed in Pakistan in 2005. 80,000 killed in China in 2008.
Cyclones and Roaring Seas. Rogue waves and strange hurricane patterns. Florida was assaulted by five hurricanes in 2004. Japan was hit by over ten in the same year. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed a major city leaving a million homeless. Weeks later, hurricane Rita was the strongest on record. The entire 2005 season held the record for number of storms, damages and wind strength. Cyclone Nargis killed 134,000 in Myanmar in 2008.
Heat Wave. As of 2007, the years 1997 to 2007 were the hottest on record since these statistics were kept in 1880. Seven of the worlds eight warmest years have occurred since 2001 and ten of the warmest years have occurred since 1997. A heat wave killed over 35,000 in Europe in 2003, 14,802 died in France. 2007 was the hottest year, and for the first time in 128 years, Moscow experienced sustained May temperatures of 86 degrees or higher.
Red Tide. This started appearing in the oceans on a regular basis since 1986, killing millions of fish.
Hole in the Ozone Layer. In 1985, scientists discovered a hole over the south pole. It is now over 11 million square miles (28.5 square kilometer) or three times larger than the United States.
Religious Signs. Corrupt religion will eventually dominate, but corrupted hearts will continue in evil.
The Fight For Morality
We are not saying that the fight against immorality and secularism is not a legitimate one or that the issues do not concern us. The secular forces do intend to corrupt our children and marginalize our position and make us extinct. However, the religious forces are on the same mission. But in order to achieve it they will also resort to forced compliance through the laws.
Demonic activity. Psychics, communion with the dead and increased belief in Unidentified Flying Objects and the return of space aliens are now common entertainment. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24: 24 The Catholic church is training more priests to be exorcists because of an increase in demonic activity and Satanism in the church. The young people in Italy appear to be attracted to the devil. And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. (Revelation 16: 13-14) » Corporate Psychics (Intuitives). These people are being hired by movie studios, Fortune 500 companies, technology companies, lawyers, police, jury selection, Wall street, banks and other financial institutions to forecast the future and give advice. I guess that they are just as good as money managers and stock brokers. These clowns use psychics. Here is a prediction. The global financial markets will crash because the United States market crashes. October 2008 was just a dress rehearsal.
Demonic Mary. Many apparitions of Mary are leading the church into idolatry and to prepare them for a false Second Coming of Christ.
Attack on God. The messages from Mary consistently attack the first four commandments. Terrible disasters will occur because of sin, the only way to avoid it is to:
Another god. Mary will save us.
Idolatry. Pray the rosary. Pray to Mary and other saints. Fill your churches and living rooms and backyards with icons and statues and images. Bow before these when you pray.
Do not call upon the name of the angry God. Go to mass and confession. Talk to priests, Mary and other saints so that they can talk to God for you. Promote the feeling that God has no mercy. He is only full of wrath and anger and that you need Mary to stop his anger and intercede for you.
Observe the false Sabbath. Close all shops on Sunday, ban sporting events. Have a uniform worship.
Signs and wonders. There are pitiful fake healings and other signs which still impress the gullible. Eventually, some will be very convincing. And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceives those who live on the earth by [the means of] those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. ... (Revelation 13: 13-14)
Ecumenism. A philosophy of "Political correctness" and ecumenism on the basis of common points of doctrine has caused many to abandon the word of God and ridicule those who take the bible literally. One tactic that they constantly use is to classify them with the "unscientific".
Israel Returns. According to Paul in Romans 11 and Zechariah 12, Israel will recognize the Messiah and will return to Christ because of a great outpouring of the Spirit. Those who accept Christ by faith will be grafted back into the great olive tree of God. Then all Israel, the entire church, will be united and waiting for the Second Coming. It all begins when Israel ignites a volatile situation and the nations besiege her.
American Led Religious Theocracy. Religions will take over free governments. We will begin to impose Christian theocracy.
Attack on the Sabbath Keeping Churches. Besides the Pope calling for all governments to legally recognize Sunday as a day of rest, the attack on the covenant of God involves attacking major Sabbath churches so that a splintered and fractured church has no collective power. There were two major Sabbath churches. One ceased to exist in 1995. » Worldwide Church of God. One should take a look at how the Worldwide Church of God was destroyed from within. The former Sabbath keepers who believed in prophecy has splintered because its leadership and pastors have repudiated almost every doctrine that they once taught. It all started when Joseph W. Tkach, Sr, the successor to Herbert W. Armstrong - was in charge as many of the doctrines were changed. Here is an example of what has been happening.
Abandon Bible. Belief in progressive revelation that denies previous beliefs.
Abandon Prophecy. Joseph Tkach's view that no one can know anything about prophecy and that even if you could it would not matter anyhow.
Abandon Sabbath. 7 January 1995, he told his followers that the church would no longer demand a legalistic observance of the Old Testament Sabbath.
Embrace Sensuality. Christian rock music.
Embrace Mary. Homage to Mary. This is a clue to the source of their infiltration.
Prevent Publications. They tried to retain ownership of the writings of the founder to stop all publications of his books.
Scattered. The church is now splintered and scattered, effectively ending their ministry. How could this have happened? Their ministers seem to have suddenly changed their entire belief system. The members seem to be caught unawares. This did not happen overnight. Something about their centralized structure, family succession and member complacency made them easy targets for infiltration and sabotage. » Seventh Day Adventists. Could this happen to Seventh Day Adventists? Many think that it is already happening and that the process has infected our seminaries. They are not teaching the prophecies and many churches cannot pay their pastors. So pastors have second jobs - even on Sabbath. Our hospitals give free alcohol at fund raisers because "rich people will not come if we do not provide alcohol". I see a problem with both members and leaders. Our members seem to be in pursuit of this world - they call it blessings from God. Some remain silent thinking that God will fix it because "the church will not fall". Everybody waits for "Sunday laws" to decide what to do. Some run to "the country" to wait for God, leaving the work for others to do. The leadership seems to be in pursuit of acceptance by those in power. We do not want to be too odd. Laodicea at its best! I have had two prominent pastors who have promoted ridiculous beliefs. One believes that we should get out of the business of teaching prophecy. That sounds like one of the falling pillars of the Worldwide Church of God, doesn't it. The other publicly states that he sees no reason for the death of Jesus. It is irrelevant. Everybody goes to a restaurant on Sabbath. A third pastor that I had, from the same church, wanted to open and sponsor a gay club on one of our campuses. Not for the purpose of leading people towards the values of God. No. But because "they need a place to socialize with their friends". I even heard that some of our leaders believe that our views about the end time role of the leaders of the Catholic church have been "assigned to the historical trash heap". This explains their pretending to do things that never get done. Many have turned to evolution and away from the Sabbath. How pervasive is this attitude among our leaders that one could openly teach these things? It is the ministry of ordinary members that will complete the work of God. You have the power through the Holy Spirit. Whatever mechanism caused the collapse of the Worldwide church of God will not succeed here because God is calling individuals. Wake up! Learn and cherish the former beliefs because God is in the process of validating them.
The People of God. Conditions will affect those who claim to be representatives of God. As the end approaches, the struggle for righteousness will polarize the world.
Hate. A climate of hatred will dominate different factions of the church (back sliders, faithful and lukewarm) and between the sinners and the righteous. At that time many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. Because iniquity is increased, the love of many will grow cold. (Matthew 24: 10, 12)
Christianity Hated. True Christianity will become a hated religion. But you will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death, and you will be hated by all because of My name. (Luke 21: 16)
Religious Persecution. The persecution will be religious, because those who persecute will think that they are doing God's work. They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God. (John 16: 2)
The New State Religion. Conditions are mimicking the efforts of emperor Constantine to merge Paganism into the church and create a fusion of the Christian and Pagan religions as the state church.
New Age Fusion and Political Correctness. In a effort to foster respect and tolerance of all religions, no criticism, conversions, evangelism or negative statements are allowed by law and Christ is best marketed as one of many gods.
Faith Based Initiatives and School Vouchers. Laws are being made to financially support the institutions of the church.
Sunday Laws. Laws will support Sunday as a common or national day of rest. Constantine created a national prayer and a national day of rest in an effort to find neutral expressions of faith.
The Tabernacle of Idolatry. The government will build churches just as Constantine built temples for both Pagans and Christians.
Babylon the Great. Church and state will totally unite to enforce the dogma of the church.
The Abomination of Desolation. This is the pinnacle of the corruption of the church by the state.
Fundamentalist Movements. In many countries, the dominant religion is beginning to persecute other religions. They all have in common the silent takeover of political positions in government since the 1980's and 90's.
United States ("Moral Majority"). Fundamental Christians take over the Republican party and political offices to install conservative laws and values. » Homosexual Community. Using the same tactics, this community is financially supporting candidates who will advocate gay-friendly legislation in the state legislatures. It is interesing to hear the groups criticize each other and sounding the alarm to their communities for basically employing the same tactics. Instead of pretending that they are "fighting for freedom", both groups need to be honest in saying that they are fighting to promote their lifestyles by force of law. Because, as the gay rights movements assert more power it is evident that their agenda is just as far-reaching and intrusive as the Christian right's agenda. They intend to wipe out all traces of the opposition and impose their point of view on others by soft or hard cohersion. » Soft Cohersion. When educational programs and the secular media and commercial enterprises present only one point of view while ridiculing the other it is cohersion by peer persuasion. When the audience is captive like children in schools it is forced cohersion. Schools ridicule the idea of absolute values and teach tolerance of any behavior as a virtue. What they should be teaching is that we all have a right to feel safe and to have our own opinions. Instead, Christianity is now the acceptable brunt of the same brutal attacks that their tolerance programs were supposed to be addressing. When in fact nothing is wrong with Christian values. What was wrong was Christians trying to force the world to accept those values by law or by power over key institutions. » Hard Cohersion. Some gay rights activists are taking conservative Christian donor lists and publishing the names and addresses of people who donate to conservative causes. They are picketing private homes and harassing people for supporting what they believe.
India ("Hindutva"). This movement is popular among the conservative upper and middle classes, infiltrating all levels of government and the legislature. The BJP political Party runs on the slogan "India for Hindus" and is part of the Hindutva movement whose goal in "One nation, one people, one cast and one religion". This movement even embraces Hitler's philosophy, reading "Mein Kampf".
Islam ("Al Qaeda"). Their mission is to drive all religions out of Muslim countries. These countries are already merged with religion. They are also intent on spreading Islam to all nations. Technically, there is nothing wrong with the mission. Christianity would also like to spread itself to all nations. What is wrong is the method. It is by force and cohersion not by persuasion alone in an atmosphere of freedom.
China. As unregistered churches grow, China is likely to crack down on Christianity. » The Contradiction of Culture. Prophecy presents a picture of open and widespread moral corruption, yet it is controlled by an extremely conservative religious government. How can the two exist? We see images of this in the philosophy of the popular culture which embraces the new tolerance as the Utopia where there are no morals. Love becomes joyful acceptance, encouragement and celebration of anything so that it is never right to question if something is wrong. While we have not yet accepted murder, the older generation tolerated abuse of women, male infidelity, alcoholism and sports violence. Now the youth are plagued with drug abuse, drunken binges, rampant teen sex, pregnancy and abortion, violence in sex (dominatrix and sado-masochism) and group sex clubs. All of these are now seen as rights of passage and there is nothing wrong if people can handle it. Testing the paths to failure is a right we must explore, not a danger we must learn to avoid from the mistakes of our fathers or the warnings of God. So, the religious and political rulers at the end must be the most corrupt and amoral fiends controlling a willingly naive and inwardly amoral population. The best way to achieve this is by wealth, bribery and a belief that the end justifies the means so that eventually the scum rises to the top like a cesspool of profanity cloaked in piety. We see it now. People of wealth, power and influence attach themselves to church leaders. The equally whoring church rulers see this companionship with wealth as an honor and opportunity from God. With the trend towards security and internal spying we have the potential of the security state and the security church bribing the political and religious offices. The natural outcome is that our civil and religious leaders will be the most immoral of men pretending to implement "love and tolerance" while the cesspool drowns humanity. We need to drain this cesspool. We need to reclaim men and women and tell them about their great destiny. We need to show them that God can overcome all personal failures and all intense desires that control us, no matter how they originated in us. This is not a harsh, intolerant message. This is a message of salvation. If the courageous men and women of God warn about this corruption we will be beheaded like John the Baptist. If not, we and our children will be drowning in filth. » The Culture Wars. Despite the fact that "liberals" claim that "conservatives" are trying to push their way of life on others, both the extreme liberals and extreme conservatives are trying to create laws to make us live according their version of a Utopian society. Neither side wants us to have a choice in beliefs because neither respects the right of the others to have their beliefs. » The Culture Wars in Healthcare. Yoga is being presented in schools and medical facilities as medical treatment. In Yoga, Buddhism conquers as we mix worship of their gods with medical treatment. Although meditation is a calming exercise, yet yoga incorporates a Buddhist prayer stance and language. How is this not idolatry? How is saying "Om" in the Buddhist prayer position not the same as being forced in a public prayer to say "... in Jesus Christ our Lord"? » The Culture Wars in School. In schools, witchcraft books and culture can be presented but not books with Christian themes. We can read Harry Potter but not Pilgrim's Progress. We can celebrate Halloween but not Christmas. We can teach five year olds about the fact that "Mary has two mothers" and "Fred had two fathers" but any other support for family is seen as hateful. We can teach children to use birth control, tell them where to go for abortions without their parent's consent but we cannot teach that abstinence is an alternative. Abstinence is labelled as "unrealistic".
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