In an article entitled Free Global Economy From Corporate Highjackers, Someshwar Singh writes,
There are 193 nations in the world, many of them ostensibly democratic, but most of them are dwarfed by the corporations that alone decide what will be produced, and where, and how much people will be paid to do the work. In effect, these multinational enterprises have become a kind of covert world government - motivated solely by profit and unaccountable to any citizenry. Only a small group of humans on the planet, roughly overlapping the world's 475-member billionaires’ club, rules the global economy.[12]
One of the foremost authorities on the International bankers that control the world is Dr. Carroll Quigley Ph.D., Professor of History at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He has taught at Princeton and at Harvard University. His classic book Tragedy and Hope, published in 1966, explains the history and purpose of this international network of bankers.
Quigley states the goal of this international network was to establish a one world financial system under their control. He writes, "… the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than a world system of financial control in private hands to dominate the political system in each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
Quigley says, "I know of the operations of the network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its paper and secret records (p. 950)." He goes on to say that he has no aversion to its aims and only believes the network should be known because of it role in history. But the network "wishes to remain unknown."
According to Chakravarthi Raghavan the Chief Editor of South-North Development Monitor (SUNS) by virtue of their having total control of world finances the world bankers have in effect already conquered the world. He identifies the current activities of the world bankers as “financial warfare [that] knows no territorial boundaries”. Raghavan writes,
This manipulation of market forces by powerful actors constitutes a form of financial and economic warfare. No need to recolonise lost territory or send in invading armies. In the late 20th century, the outright 'conquest of nations', meaning the control over productive assets, labour, natural resources and institutions, can be carried out in an impersonal fashion from the corporate boardroom: commands are dispatched from a computer terminal, or a cellphone. The relevant data are instantly relayed to major financial markets - often resulting in immediate disruptions in the functioning of national economies.[13]
At a summit on world trade Cuban President Fidel Castro identified world economics as a war zone. According to his understanding, “in the hands of the rich countries, world trade is already an instrument of domination.”[14]
In a release by The Third World Network entitled, “Unrestricted Globalization Would Lead to Disaster”, Thalif Deen identifies Wall Street bankers as a quasi world government. He writes,
Martin Khor of the Third World Network, explained how international economic policy was governed by institutions which served the interests of large corporations and banks, particularly by the IMF and the WTO. … “The world is not ruled by a military-industrial complex any more, but by a Wall Street-Treasury-IMF complex”.
Lets us summarise what we have seen so far.
(1) David Rockefeller promotes the concept of a “world government” under the control of the “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers.”
(2) Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott in Time magazine, July 20, 1992: declared “nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority."
(3) Someshwar Singh wrote in his article that “these multinational enterprises have become a kind of covert world government.”
(4) Cuban President Fidel Castro has pointed out that “world trade is already an instrument of domination.”
(5) Martin Khor expressed concern that “The world is not ruled by a military-industrial complex any more, but by a Wall Street-Treasury-IMF complex.”
(6) Carrol Quigley stated that the goal of the international bankers is to establish “nothing less than a world system of financial control in private hands to dominate the political system in each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
(7) Dan Smoot after investigating the aims of the Council on Foreign Relations concluded, “The ultimate aim of the Council on Foreign Relations [is] to create a one-world socialist system.
The forces that are intent on creating a one world government want to divide the world
into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions. One of the agencies promoting a one world government is the Club of Rome, a collection of the mega rich and intellectual elite that established a think tank in Rome in April 1969. The Rockefeller family is part of this group. To all appearances the architect of the Club of Rome was Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist with connections to the FIAT and Olivetti Corporations. On September 17 1973 the COR issue a report authored by Mihajlo Mesaroviv and Eudard Pestel that expressed a vision for the world. In the COR report the world is divided into ten political/economic regions which are called “kingdoms.” In his summary of the report by Mesaroviv and Pestel Peccei stated,
Their world model, based on new developments of the multilevel hierarchical systems theory, divides the world into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions of political, economic or environmental coherence … .[15]
Revelation 17 teaches that in the closing moments of world history “ten kings” identified as “the merchants of the earth” will for “one hour”, or “a little while”, set up a one world government. This one world government will abolish all nation states and political boundaries and will “divide the world into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions.” After they have set up this government prophecy says, “they [will] give their power and authority to the beast.”
The ground work need to bring the prophecy of the ten kings in Revelation 17 to a complete fulfilment has already taken place. Every day the world is never more than twenty four hours away from the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the ten kings of Revelation 17. Those who propose to se up a one world government already have total control over the worlds economy. They have already divided the world into ten economic zones to suit their purposes. They are one crisis of their own making away from putting their plan into effect. One writer put it this way,
Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.[16].... ( By Victor Christensen...The New World Order and the Ten Kings of Revelation 17)
There are 193 nations in the world, many of them ostensibly democratic, but most of them are dwarfed by the corporations that alone decide what will be produced, and where, and how much people will be paid to do the work. In effect, these multinational enterprises have become a kind of covert world government - motivated solely by profit and unaccountable to any citizenry. Only a small group of humans on the planet, roughly overlapping the world's 475-member billionaires’ club, rules the global economy.[12]
One of the foremost authorities on the International bankers that control the world is Dr. Carroll Quigley Ph.D., Professor of History at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He has taught at Princeton and at Harvard University. His classic book Tragedy and Hope, published in 1966, explains the history and purpose of this international network of bankers.
Quigley states the goal of this international network was to establish a one world financial system under their control. He writes, "… the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than a world system of financial control in private hands to dominate the political system in each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
Quigley says, "I know of the operations of the network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its paper and secret records (p. 950)." He goes on to say that he has no aversion to its aims and only believes the network should be known because of it role in history. But the network "wishes to remain unknown."
According to Chakravarthi Raghavan the Chief Editor of South-North Development Monitor (SUNS) by virtue of their having total control of world finances the world bankers have in effect already conquered the world. He identifies the current activities of the world bankers as “financial warfare [that] knows no territorial boundaries”. Raghavan writes,
This manipulation of market forces by powerful actors constitutes a form of financial and economic warfare. No need to recolonise lost territory or send in invading armies. In the late 20th century, the outright 'conquest of nations', meaning the control over productive assets, labour, natural resources and institutions, can be carried out in an impersonal fashion from the corporate boardroom: commands are dispatched from a computer terminal, or a cellphone. The relevant data are instantly relayed to major financial markets - often resulting in immediate disruptions in the functioning of national economies.[13]
At a summit on world trade Cuban President Fidel Castro identified world economics as a war zone. According to his understanding, “in the hands of the rich countries, world trade is already an instrument of domination.”[14]
In a release by The Third World Network entitled, “Unrestricted Globalization Would Lead to Disaster”, Thalif Deen identifies Wall Street bankers as a quasi world government. He writes,
Martin Khor of the Third World Network, explained how international economic policy was governed by institutions which served the interests of large corporations and banks, particularly by the IMF and the WTO. … “The world is not ruled by a military-industrial complex any more, but by a Wall Street-Treasury-IMF complex”.
Lets us summarise what we have seen so far.
(1) David Rockefeller promotes the concept of a “world government” under the control of the “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers.”
(2) Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott in Time magazine, July 20, 1992: declared “nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority."
(3) Someshwar Singh wrote in his article that “these multinational enterprises have become a kind of covert world government.”
(4) Cuban President Fidel Castro has pointed out that “world trade is already an instrument of domination.”
(5) Martin Khor expressed concern that “The world is not ruled by a military-industrial complex any more, but by a Wall Street-Treasury-IMF complex.”
(6) Carrol Quigley stated that the goal of the international bankers is to establish “nothing less than a world system of financial control in private hands to dominate the political system in each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
(7) Dan Smoot after investigating the aims of the Council on Foreign Relations concluded, “The ultimate aim of the Council on Foreign Relations [is] to create a one-world socialist system.
The forces that are intent on creating a one world government want to divide the world
into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions. One of the agencies promoting a one world government is the Club of Rome, a collection of the mega rich and intellectual elite that established a think tank in Rome in April 1969. The Rockefeller family is part of this group. To all appearances the architect of the Club of Rome was Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist with connections to the FIAT and Olivetti Corporations. On September 17 1973 the COR issue a report authored by Mihajlo Mesaroviv and Eudard Pestel that expressed a vision for the world. In the COR report the world is divided into ten political/economic regions which are called “kingdoms.” In his summary of the report by Mesaroviv and Pestel Peccei stated,
Their world model, based on new developments of the multilevel hierarchical systems theory, divides the world into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions of political, economic or environmental coherence … .[15]
Revelation 17 teaches that in the closing moments of world history “ten kings” identified as “the merchants of the earth” will for “one hour”, or “a little while”, set up a one world government. This one world government will abolish all nation states and political boundaries and will “divide the world into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions.” After they have set up this government prophecy says, “they [will] give their power and authority to the beast.”
The ground work need to bring the prophecy of the ten kings in Revelation 17 to a complete fulfilment has already taken place. Every day the world is never more than twenty four hours away from the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the ten kings of Revelation 17. Those who propose to se up a one world government already have total control over the worlds economy. They have already divided the world into ten economic zones to suit their purposes. They are one crisis of their own making away from putting their plan into effect. One writer put it this way,
Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.[16].... ( By Victor Christensen...The New World Order and the Ten Kings of Revelation 17)
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