The deceptions of of the enemy and his church is about to intensify,may the people of God awake from their slumber and stand in the strength of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Dear friends, there are major plans afoot to unite the world under the
leadership of the Papal Church of Rome. We are currently in the so called Catholic 'year of mercy', and look at what is planned for next year:
So we have an anniversary of the Marian apparitions which UNITES the Catholic and Muslim world. We have a reformation jubilee which looks to UNITE the Catholic and Protestant world. And we have a charismatic renewal jubilee, which focuses on 'SIGNS AND WONDERS'. Amazing! Can you see the great push for unity? Just look at this statement attached to the Reformation jubilee ... "In 2017, we must confess openly that we have been guilty before Christ of damaging the unity of the church. This commemorative year presents us with two challenges: the purification and healing of memories, and the restoration of Christian unity."
"purification and healing of memories"?? In other words, let's forget about WHY the reformation took place and let us all unite for 'peace and safety'. Friends, Satan is creating a FEARFUL mindset today with all this planned trouble from Islam/ISIS, in a bid to cause the world to run to BABYLON THE MOTHER APOSTATE CHURCH in world unity! And the majority of the 'ex'-Protestant churches have already given up on the great TRUE reformation principles. Great deceptions are already here, and more are to come in 2017!
"Popery is just what prophecy declared that she would be - the apostasy of the latter times. It is a part of her policy to assume the character which will best accomplish her purpose; but beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon, she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent." (E.White, Spirit of Prophecy, Vol.4, p.388)......(source)....
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