Certain events are occurring in a pattern, not simply as a list of unrelated disasters. Since 2001, there have been signs from heaven that this generation will experience major disasters in a pattern of events that are related to the signs of the Second Coming. God sent many prophets to Israel just before the occupation by Babylon in 586 BC. Normally, there was only one or two prophets. This time there were about twelve named prophets. During the time of the prophets, God made them act out the judgments to come. He made poor Isaiah walk around naked and barefoot for three years. Jeremiah was digging into the walls and hiding his underwear. Ezekiel was told to defile himself by cooking his food over human feces. Hosea was told to marry a prostitute. Jonah simply ran away. Wouldn't you? Fortunately, we have the word of God in print so God does not have to resort to acting prophets. I hope. These staged performances are God's subliminal messages. Little pictures of the judgment to come. They are designed to make you think about the possibility that the prophecies are true. They do not occur in a vacuum. They are accompanied with many signs that the real prophecy is about to be fulfilled during that generation.
Prophetic Clues and Messages. Now learn the parable from the fig tree; when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. (Matthew 24: 32-33)Have you ever wondered if God gives the world sufficient, clear warnings about His intentions? He does. Do you think that the years preceding the end of the world will be filled by spectacular warnings and coincidences? It will. The modern society is virtually immune to signs in the heavens, natural disasters, prophets of doom ringing their door bells or sermons on hell fire and brimstone from the Church of the Holy Ghost Warriors Toe to Toe Mighty Battle with Satan. But a series of coincidences might make them listen to the prophets so that they will make a decision for God without any overwhelming pressure. Since the prophetic time cycles are so long, it appears that God prepares people for the fulfillment of great prophecies. This happens when the prophecy is extended into the distant future or is very important to the world. Instead of only sending prophets who would be rejected, He controls revolutionary events in a short period of time that mimics the requirements of the prophecies. These similar patterns awaken our mental connections to the real prophecies and cause us to study these great messages. This is what happened in the late eighteenth century. After the long sleep in the dark ages, students of the Bible studied the prophecies and all came to the conclusion that the papacy was an important institution.
Prophetic Clues and Messages. Now learn the parable from the fig tree; when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. (Matthew 24: 32-33)Have you ever wondered if God gives the world sufficient, clear warnings about His intentions? He does. Do you think that the years preceding the end of the world will be filled by spectacular warnings and coincidences? It will. The modern society is virtually immune to signs in the heavens, natural disasters, prophets of doom ringing their door bells or sermons on hell fire and brimstone from the Church of the Holy Ghost Warriors Toe to Toe Mighty Battle with Satan. But a series of coincidences might make them listen to the prophets so that they will make a decision for God without any overwhelming pressure. Since the prophetic time cycles are so long, it appears that God prepares people for the fulfillment of great prophecies. This happens when the prophecy is extended into the distant future or is very important to the world. Instead of only sending prophets who would be rejected, He controls revolutionary events in a short period of time that mimics the requirements of the prophecies. These similar patterns awaken our mental connections to the real prophecies and cause us to study these great messages. This is what happened in the late eighteenth century. After the long sleep in the dark ages, students of the Bible studied the prophecies and all came to the conclusion that the papacy was an important institution.
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All that you want to say is up to you but remember God is in charge,and this is a place to speak for him.