Saturday, May 15, 2010


As we have seen in part one, Lucis Trust is, today, intimately connected with Elite Politics through its World Goodwill. We haven't yet, however, examined the occult teachings of Bailey as they were related by her Master Djwhal Khul. Her 24 books, combined with the Beacon magazine, Triangles, and the Arcane School indoctrinate students into what Bailey describes as the "Ageless Wisdom" teachings. The Arcane School, founded in 1922, boasted 20,000 graduates by 1954. This occult university is more active than ever and continues to be the main training ground for New Age disciples.

The bulk of these occult teachings, in Bailey's books, are from her channeled Tibetan master Djwhal Khul (DK); the "Plan" according to the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters. Through a series of group-initiations and group-meditative techniques the Hierarchy directs the "New Group of World Servers" to implement a "New World Religion" of which humanity as a whole can aid the "will of the planetary logos". "Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity," so says Master DK through Bailey, "with particular attention to its goal, perfection. (The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 588)" The objective is "the helping of the Great Ones and the rendering to Them of that intelligent assistance which will make Their plans for humanity materialize." (Ibid., p. 516)

One way to "materialize" the Hierarchy's plan for humanity is through Lucis Trust's Triangle networks. Their goal is the practice of occult meditation "the science of energy flow and energy relationships." Lucis Trust states that "occult meditation is a means of consciously and purposefully directing energy from a recognized source to the creation of some specific effect." (Source) International participants "sit quietly for a few minutes and link mentally with other members of their triangle, or triangles. They invoke the energies of light and goodwill, visualizing theses energies as circulating through the three focal points of each triangle and pouring through the networks of triangles surrounding the planet. At the same time they repeat the Great Invocation." (Source)

Her 30 year telepathic connection to Master DK was what some would un-hesitantly call demonic possession. Her husband Foster Bailey said, "During the long course of the work the minds of the Tibetan and A.A.B [Alice Ann Bailey] became so closely attuned that they were in effect — so far as much of the production of the teaching was concerned — a joint single projecting mechanism." (The introduction to Cosmic Fire) The technique is called in the occult the "overshadowing" — a euphemism for demonic possession, or as Bailey liked to call it "the science of impression". Moreover, the Hierarchy has "overshadowed" many in the intervening years up to the close of the century — the growing modern practice of channeling and psychic astral projection bears out this prediction of a half century ago:

“These methods of overshadowing will largely be the ones used by the Great Lord and his Masters at the end of the century, and for this reason They are sending into incarnation, in every country, disciples who have the opportunity offered them to respond to the need of training men and woman to recognize the higher psych ism, and the true inspiration and mediumship, and to do this scientifically. In fifty years time, the need for true psychics and conscious mediums (such as H.P.B., for instance [Helena Petrova Blavatsky]) will be very great if the Masters' plans are to be carried through to fruition, and the movement must be set on foot in preparation for the coming of Him for Whom all nations wait.”

- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp. 757-758

Ten Seed Groups

Early on, Master DK informed Bailey of the Hierarchy's plan for "The Ten Seed-Groups". These seed-groups were to infiltrate all sectors of society, and be "esoterically anchored" with "new approaches to divinity." I have no doubt that today's New Age Movement is the result of the Hierarchy's "scattering of the seed", as Bailey put it, and that today's, arguably, open pagan society can largely be traced to this occult "plan". The Ten Seed Groups were "embryonic, like germinating seed". Through their occult practices these ten groups would work directly "under inspiration from the Hierarchy via the focused minds of the group." From Alice Bailey's Discipleship in the New Age - Volume I, p. 35-40, The Ten Seed-Groups consist of, and carry out their mission in following ways (excerpts from THE NEW GROUP OF WORLD SERVERS, emphasis mine):

1) Telepathic Communicators

Summary of Work Telepathic communication from soul to soul through: from mind to mind through integration; between humanity and Hierarchy (inner government of the planet) through Science of impression.

2) Trained Observers

Summary of Work Dissipation of world glamour, illusion and maya through illumination.

3) Magnetic Healers

Summary of Work Through "magnetic living". Through laws of life — laws of health and right human relationships. Through continuity of consciousness.

4) Educators in the New Age

Summary of Work Education through inflow of the light of knowledge into "instinctual man". — Through inflow of the light of the wisdom into "intelligent man". Through applied knowledge, expressed wisdom and occult understanding in "spiritual man".

5) Political Organizers

Summary of Work International understanding through communication of the divine (political) Will into races and nations, **linking the department of the Manu (the Ruler of the human race) with men.**

6) Workers in the Field of Religion

Summary of Work Through transcendental mysticism. Through transcendental occultism. Through transcendental religion.

7) Scientific Servers

Summary of Work Through development of new hypotheses to substantiate the next step forward. Through sensitive reaction to spiritual energies and forces. Through release of energy to relate spirit and matter and precipitate the divine Plan.

8) Psychologists

Summary of Work Through relationship of the human kingdom to the sub-human and the super-human kingdom. Through a study of the divine Plan for the five kingdoms of nature.

9) Financiers and Economists

Summary of Work Through a study of the nature of prana or etheric energy. — Through study of deflection of this form of concretized energy into constructive channels and "ways of light". — Through study of the law of supply and demand.

10) Creative Workers

Summary of Work Through linking life and form. Through philosophical relationship of synthesis and the Plan.

Truly an occult conspiracy of the highest kind, and worrisome at the very least for anyone — both Christian and non-believers alike. When you factor in what I've shown in part one — Lucis Trust's influence over international elite politics — it's downright chilling! The most revealing part of the seed-groups is the fact that the political organizers link "the department of the Manu (the Ruler of the human race) with men". The Bible already tells us that "the ruler of the human race" is Satan (John 12:31 & 14:30; Ephesians 6:12; Luke 4:6-7; 2 Cor. 4), then it follows that "the department of Manu" must be but another name for the deceiver. This is indeed the case. In Frontier Science/Social Change, Paul Von Ward relates, "Hermetic Principles...comprise part of a body of knowledge allegedly given to humans by an advanced being more than 5,000 years ago. He has been known by various names, including Thoth or Seth in Egypt, Manu in India, Hermes in Greece, and Lucifer or Satan in the Judeo-Christian tradition."

1 comment:

  1. Interesting treatment of Alice Bailey, though it appears you may be confusing philosophy with religion. Though Theosophists on occasion speak of a new World Religion, they see it as free from doctrine, dogma & ritual. Bailey's books are intended to be mere guidebooks for Mystics who independently seek a relationship with the Divine. By their nature, Mystics are personally responsible for their understanding of every principle & teaching, whether channeled from D.K. or inspired by the Divine Father directly.

    This is philosophy ... the perpetual search for Truth. Religious people, by and large, don't search cause they believe they've already found the Truth. Americans who are "spiritual, but not religious" often wonder why religious people are so willing to attack those who disagree. Why defend yourself from those who are, admittedly, looking for more Truth? ie, using the word occult to mean Satanic, when its definition is actually "hidden." A brief overview of the Crusades, Inquisition, witch-burning, and persecution of scientists explains why much philosophy and science was hidden or occulted. You also refer to the Egyptian prophet Hermes Trismagistus as Satan. He is mentioned as Seth or Thoth in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Moses, you'll recall, was raised in Egypt.

    Your article in entitled "A Plan to Deceive the World." And your summary uses "chilling" and "conspiracy" to further attack and degrade.

    If Alice Baily, philosophy, science & everything else that is not in perfect alignment with your beliefs is evil, I still wouldn't understand your fear. Is not God greater than Satan ... is not good superior to evil? Does not the Light cast out the darkness?

    If you already know the Truth, what do you fear? I think you could love your neighbor, even your perceived enemies, and be kinder and more harmonious in your writing. Those who may disagree with you do NOT always OPPOSE you. Mostly, they just disagree. Aloha from Maui.


All that you want to say is up to you but remember God is in charge,and this is a place to speak for him.