There are wars being fought all around the world right now. In Iran there is unrest,the swine flu virus and murders and crimes on every hand.But there is one war that is going on seemingly unnoticed,one that course many to commit suicide and heinous crimes;the war of the mind.Waring with oneself is the attack that the devil is using these days to infiltrate families and churches.
With attacks on every hand and with different mediums,such as television,the Internet,music etc. we are being bombarded with things that won't and can't give us eternal life,yet we bite whenever the bate is set before us.Our greatest defense to all of these crimes against us is the word of God.If we but spend time in the word of God and grant Him our hearts then every dart that the devil throws at us will be shielded.Yet there are instances when we are allowed to go through trials to strengthen our faith and to make us realise that we are dependant on the Creator for all our needs and safe keeping.
With this thought in mind some of us still believe that we are immune to sin and the effects of the consequences of that sin.God desire is for us to be saved in His eternal kingdom,there is no class ,race,size or colour that is exempted from this plan;all are given the same opportunity to be saved;it is however in our hands to choose which side we want to be on.
Our parents and by extension our fore-parents are some what responsible for some of the ills that befalls us.David when he committed adultery and murder was told by the Lord that the sword shall never leave his household and we see what Absalom did.2Sam 12:10.
I know of a man who's father broke his marital vow and fathered children with other women, one of his sons fathered a child out side of his marriage.The difference however is this son loves the lord and wants to give of his best to the Master but because of his sin,he has placed himself and his family in a position of shame and disgrace.The struggle therefore is how can this man function as a church leader without being a stumbling block.After realising his sin this man gave up his office and did not accept any office for two years.But making his life right with God ,the church not knowing anything ask him to serve;he accepting lead to trials in the mind and then confusion.Bothered by this ordeal he sought clarity from the pastor,but there was still trouble in the mind of this man (war).When the church finds out about this issue --because we live in a society that demands justice and not mercy,there will be more confusion--what is the right thing to do here?step down or accept God's forgiveness and move on?The problem is what kind of standard will be set here...1Tim3:1-7 I believe that this passage of scripture is the bench mark for who claim the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.Yes we will make blunders along the way but as far as possible we should endeavour to keep ourselves from evil.
So this battle with self and the waring in the mind can only be overcome through Jesus Christ.Generational curses can be broken, not because your fore-parents lived recklessly that will be your course;the onus is on you to choose which path you're going down;and God wants to save you more than you can think or imagine Eph 3:20.
Every obstacle every trial and difficult situation is there to make you stronger,so stop looking at the problem and focus on the problem solver Christ Jesus Phip 4:13.
The church should also help in the healing process:E.G.White states... "Many appear to be steadfast in the truth, firm, decided on every point of our faith; yet there is a great lack in them,--the tenderness and love which marked the character of the great Pattern. If a brother errs from the truth, if he falls into temptation, they make no effort to restore him in meekness, considering themselves lest they also be tempted. They seem to regard it as their special work to climb upon the judgment seat and condemn and disfellowship. They do not obey God's word, which says, "Ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness." The spirit of this passage is altogether too rare in our churches. It is the lack of it that shuts out the Spirit of God from the heart, from the home, from the church. Shall we not henceforth practice the Bible plan of restoring erring ones in the spirit of meekness? Shall we not have the spirit of Jesus, and work as he worked?" {RH, December 16, 1884 par. 9}.
There is no excuse for sin nor does God turn a blind eye to the sins of man;He does though forgive and we are to accept His forgiveness.One of the problems is that many of us don't accept the forgiveness that He offers,so we seek other ways of relieving the pain that is being experienced Matt 11:28-30.So healing should come through Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world,all that man needs to do is accept what the Lord offers.
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