It is sad to know that a person who claims to represent God on earth can stand before hundreds and even thousands and misrepresent the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.The word of God makes it clear from his Holy Bible the role of the Holy Spirit and did not include anyone outside of the God Head;just look at these scriptures and you will know: John 14:26,John 15:26,John 16:7......But it is strange how pope Benedict has added Mary the mother of Christ to the picture,there is no scripture anywhere in the Bible to support such erroneous thoughts,I therefore submit to all without fear that such ideas are from the devil and need to be corrected........this is the statement from the pontiff.........We can thus be certain that the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, in his whole hidden life in Nazareth, always found a "hearth" that was always burning with prayer and constant attention to the Holy Spirit in Mary's Immaculate Heart. The wedding feast at Cana is a witness to this singular harmony between Mother and Son in seeking God's will. In a situation like the wedding feast, charged with symbols of the covenant, the Virgin Mary intercedes and, in a certain sense, provokes, a sign of superabundant divine grace: the "good wine" that points to mystery of the Blood of Christ. This leads us directly to Calvary, where Mary stands under the cross with the other women and the Apostle John. Together the Mother and the disciple spiritually taken in Jesus' testament: his last words and his last breath, in which he begins to send out the Spirit; and they take in the silent crying out of his Blood, poured out completely for us (cf. John 19:25-34). Mary knew where the blood came from: it was formed in her by the work of the Holy Spirit, and she knew that this same creative "power" would raise Jesus up, as he promised.
In this way Mary's faith sustains the faith of the disciples until the meeting with the risen Lord, and will continue to accompany them even after his ascension into heaven, as they await the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (cf. Acts 1:5). At Pentecost, the Virgin Mary appears again as Bride of the Spirit, having a universal maternity with respect to those who are born from God through faith in Christ. This is why Mary is for all generations the image and model of the Church, who together with the Holy Spirit journeys through time invoking Christ's glorious return: "Come, Lord Jesus" (cf. Revelation 22:17, 20)....There is no where in the Holy Bible that one can find such teachings and anyone who lies or teaches such errors will not enter the Kingdom of God,and here is a list of all who will not enter.....Revelation 21:7,8
In this way Mary's faith sustains the faith of the disciples until the meeting with the risen Lord, and will continue to accompany them even after his ascension into heaven, as they await the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (cf. Acts 1:5). At Pentecost, the Virgin Mary appears again as Bride of the Spirit, having a universal maternity with respect to those who are born from God through faith in Christ. This is why Mary is for all generations the image and model of the Church, who together with the Holy Spirit journeys through time invoking Christ's glorious return: "Come, Lord Jesus" (cf. Revelation 22:17, 20)....There is no where in the Holy Bible that one can find such teachings and anyone who lies or teaches such errors will not enter the Kingdom of God,and here is a list of all who will not enter.....Revelation 21:7,8
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